
365 Bed Time Stories

Are you parents that always read stories for your children before they go to sleep? Are you tired of reading the same topic and the same book time after time? and you need a book designed for children from ages 2 to 10 years old?

365 Bed Time stories, Arranged as a lively journey through the year, 365 Bedtime Stories includes stories for every mood, occasion, and day of the year. There are stories celebrating the New Year, beginnings and second chances, myths about the arrival of spring, foolhardy stories for April, tales of independence for July, spooky tales for October nights, soothing tales for difficult days, tales of gratitude and thanksgiving, and miracles for the year end. Although each story is designed to be read aloud, the charming drawings and sidebars on storytelling that accompany them are likely to inspire both readers and listeners to add their own imaginative embellishments along the way.

This book will show children great stories with meaning to them.They will ask for you to read it every night after the first story.It is an adorable, non-violent, family book for all children.

A charming way to spend a quality moment with your young child every day for a year. Where else will you find something that gives you the chance to spend a magical moment with a child EVERY DAY?


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